How we help

Today, public affairs – at a global, regional and national level—has never mattered to business more. What was never on the C-suite agenda is now discussed in every board room.

In the past, leaders could benefit from a globalised market. They could comfortably focus on corporate profit and EBIT margins. Today, however, the influence of geopolitics means things have changed and we’re all operating in highly volatile conditions.

Whole markets and value chains are at risk or disappearing. Every organisation must secure its position as a responsible corporate citizen. And, because the primacy of politics is here to stay, an understanding of government affairs and a continuous dialogue with governments is an absolute priority.

What we do

We work with the CEOs, chief officers and senior leaders of major, often multinational, organisations. We give them the insight, analysis and advice they need to plan successful long-term strategies. And to survive in the here and now.

We can help you understand key government, legislative and economic issues across the wider Europe area. We can help you navigate the regulatory and political landscape. And we can help you identify new markets, understand your competition and position yourself to best advantage.

Our decades of senior-level experience gives us perspective. Which means we’re able to look ahead, anticipate trends and see what’s coming. We can help you adjust your corporate strategy in a changing global environment and identify and access your key stakeholders.

How we do it

We understand Europe–in its widest sense–at a detailed, local level, as well as at a national, regional and international level. This means we can provide the intelligence you need to make informed decisions, whether you’re restructuring, moving into a new market or expanding your interest through an investment, merger or joint venture.

You may want to understand the opportunities Europe offers you. You may want to understand the best time and way to divest your interest in a particular area. Or you may want advice to help you tender for a public sector contract.

Whatever you’re planning, we won’t tell you what to do or try and impose an off-the-shelf solution. We’ll work in partnership with you in ways that are creative, insightful and effective.

Sometimes there is no easy answer. There is no simple solution or immediate fix. Sometimes you have to move forwards in a series of imperfect steps. When this is the case, we will be upfront and say so.

At a glance

We have expertise in, but not limited to:

We help you